Monday, September 3, 2007

CIRIN launches Cataplas® and Fermax®:

CIRIN has been very aggressively pursuing its objective to widen and diversify its product base. In the last one year, the company has launched five new products, including a vaccine (Abhayrab®). Cataplas (Capsules and Liquid Injections) and Fermax (Liquid Injections) are the latest products being handed over to CIRIN's marketing team.
Both Cataplas® and Fermax® are result of thorough market research and years of efficacy & stability studies conducted at CIRIN. These products add to an already impressive basket of the company as well as meant to address healthcare needs of a large portion of country’s population.

Informal Cake-Cutting Ceremony:

Some snaps from an "informal" cake-cutting ceremony at Head Office - Aug 09, 2007.

1 comment:

Shahid said...

I am Shahid Qureshi, One of the consultants who participated actively during the early days of Cirin. I am so pleased to see some very old faces who used to be young as I was then, but am not now.. Professional Comment::: I would like to see this site totally professionally organized to provide informaton to national and international buyers and vendors, describe facilities and contact information and all about the organization to utlize this enormous space available which has been filled up with pictures.